Ref / Ref FACT 10. Get kids involved in making it a family goal to not waste food. So we’ve talked about how wasting food hurts the earth. Now, take that idea and think about how much food waste occurs in the United States each day! 2. The United States Environmental Protection Agency defines food waste for the United States as "Uneaten food and food preparation … Here’s how to reduce the amount of food waste when feeding your kids to lower your footprint on the planet, waste food, and save money. To eliminate some of the excess packaging piling up in landfills, encourage your family to shop for snacks, cereal, and pasta in the bulk section of your grocery store (if yours doesn’t have any bulk items, check out a nearby natural food shop). It turns out that by far, most food waste … Brainstorm ideas on how to reduce food waste in your family, including with school lunches. The European Union Commission defines food waste foods that are thrown away, either because they are not needed, or because they must be thrown away by law. If your family succeeds, you all get a reward, like a trip to an amusement park or a dinner at a favorite restaurant. Talk with your kids about why you are reducing your food waste. About Us . Move For Hunger has put together a fun food waste activity you can do as a family with your kids. Food wastage is considered a problem because loss of food means resources like water, soil nutrition, investments are lost. About 40% of food is wasted each year and it ends up in landfill polluting the environment. There are many definitions of waste, and so there are also different definitions of food waste. The United States Department of Agriculture reports that in the United States, food waste is estimated at between 30-40 percent of the food supply. It is worth noting that food waste and food loss directly relates to waste of money, time, energy, land, and many more resources. 2.3 billion people are joining the planet by 2050 – this will require a 60-70% increase in global food production. You can even set a family goal, like reducing overall waste by 25%. Kids will have fun measuring how much food gets wasted and coming up with ideas for how to waste less. Then, store it all in reusable glass jars. Discarded food also equates to a whole lot of wasted resources. Food waste and food loss both end up with the same result: food waste! On average, Americans waste about a pound of food each day per person. That is one pound of food waste per person per day. It means that poor people around the world are deprived of food, because the cost of available food increases. The report was produced by the UN’s Environment Program (UNEP) and covered food waste around the world in 2019. Loss of food creates food scarcity. Just think of all the land, water, packaging materials, and fuel it takes to get food from the farm to your table. Because many schools serve multiple meals to students each day, schools are a great place to reduce, recover and recycle food waste. Kids Food Waste Awareness Program. Flower and fruit arrangement is a beautiful art and a way of expressing one’s inner self. Teach them about food waste and how they can make a difference! Feeding kids is a challenge and seeing all of the food that we try to get them to eat that they discard or ignore can be really demoralizing—and a waste of money and resources! Loss of food creates food scarcity. The study looked a several different ways in which food is wasted – at home, in restaurants and in stores. Teach them about food waste and how they can make a difference! According to the Food and Agriculture Organization, about one third of all food that’s produced each year gets lost or wasted. In the home food waste is worth £700 per year to the average UK family ($2,275 in the USA), which collectively adds up to £14 billion per year. To prevent this Self-awareness is needed. Move For Hunger has put together a fun food waste activity you can do as a family with your kids. Our youngest child is passionate about protecting the planet. The amount of food waste that ends up in the trash after breakfast, lunch, dinner and snack time.
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