water and carbon that are wasted across the UK due to avoidable food and drink waste. By working with WRAP your organisation can improve processes, find new techniques and implement best practice in your supply chain. Registered office at Second Floor, Blenheim Court, 19 George Street, Banbury, Oxon, OX16 5BH. Great progress has been made in the UK, but food waste from households and businesses is still around 9.5 million tonnes (Mt), 70% of which was intended to be consumed by people (30% being the ‘inedible' parts). Currently over 4.5 Mt of food that could have been eaten are wasted from UK households. Since WRAP first published estimates of the amount of food and drink disposed by households each year (The Food We Waste, published in 2008, available on request) further research has been undertaken to quantify the amount of food and drink waste that is disposed of via the sewer (Down the Drain). However, household food and drink waste remains the single largest proportion of UK food and drink waste arisings (almost 50%), and more than 60% of this is avoidable – so there remains much more to do. 5-7 Cathedral Road household food and drink waste The Food We Waste in Scotland (published 2010) Updated Estimates for Household Food and Drink Waste in Scotland 20126 (published in 2014) Current study – Method A (published in 2015) Current Study – Method B7 (published in 2015) Total collected by local authorities 341,000t 470,000t 430,000t 410,000t …of which The results show that avoidable household food waste has been cut by an impressive 21% since 2007, saving UK consumers almost £13 billion over the five years to 2012. WRAP will work with a variety of partners to show that wasted food is an issue that affects everyone – and the planet. 19 George Street The GHGs associated with the 9.5 Mt of food waste in the UK is around 25 million tonnes CO2e – which is equivalent to c.5% of UK territorial emissions and the same as 10 million cars (or 1 in 3 cars on UK roads). 4125764. Whilst attitudes towards food waste have improved, research shows that 70% of people in the UK believe they have no food waste. Banbury Household food and drink waste in the UK 2012, by household size and avoidability The most important statistics Number of restaurants and mobile food businesses in the UK 2008-2018 The results show that avoidable household food waste has been cut by an impressive 21% since 2007, saving UK consumers almost £13 billion over the five years to 2012. In the UK, households waste 6.6. million tonnes of food and 4.5 million tonnes of that is edible food - products that could have been eaten . 2) The Love Food Hate Waste consumer-facing website has summary statistics for consumers throughout its content. Globally, 25–30% of total food produced is lost or wasted, and food waste is estimated by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change to contribute 8-10% of total man-made greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. BT5 4HD, The Waste and Resources Action Programme (which operates as WRAP) is a registered UK Charity No. Helping consumers reduce food waste through better labelling and product changes. Registered office at Second Floor, Blenheim Court, 19 George Street, Banbury, Oxon, OX16 5BH. It includes details of the types of food and drink wasted, why it is thrown away, and where the material goes. WRAP is an EU registered trade mark. BT5 4HD, The Waste and Resources Action Programme (which operates as WRAP) is a registered UK Charity No. WRAP recognizes progress by individual retailers in its latest Retail Survey but reiterates that more needs to be done in implementing best practice for packs and labeling to help cut household food waste. Research shows that annual UK household food and drink waste has fallen by 1.1 million tonnes (13%) over a three year period from 8.3 million tonnes to an estimated 7.2 million tonnes. Called Wasting Food: It’s Out of Date, the new brand has been created to communicate the simple message that wasting food is now as socially unacceptable as littering or not wearing a seatbelt. This It will show that we all have the power to help to reduce the UK’s CO2 emissions, and halve our food waste by 2030. 1159512 and registered as a Company limited by guarantee in England & Wales No. WRAP works with food retailers, manufacturers, hospitality and food service businesses and redistribution organisations, together with industry bodies to remove barriers to surplus food redistribution. WRAP published new estimates on how much food and drink is disposed annually from UK households in January 2017. By cutting food waste the average UK household can save £500 each year and positively contribute to the UK's waste reduction targets. It includes details of the types of food and drink wasted, why it is thrown away, and where the material goes. 4125764. 2nd Floor, Blenheim Court This coincides with the publication of the Courtauld Commitment 2025 baseline for the year 2015. Introduction In 2009, WRAP identified that UK households dispose of 8.3 million tonnes of food and drink waste every year, most of which could have been eaten. This summary report highlights what this means for Wales. The savings associated with the reduction in avoidable food and drink waste amount to around 3.6 million tonnes of CO2e a year, and almost a billion tonnes of water a year. The food that could have been eaten (6.4 Mt) would make the equivalent of over 15 billion meals – enough to feed the entire UK population 3 meals a day for 11 weeks. The brand will partner WRAP’s existing Love Food Hate Waste campaign, but use more direct and harder-hitting messaging to reach those people who may not yet be aware of the connection between wasting food and climate change. The UN's Sustainable Development Goal 12.3 is to halve food waste by 2030. The inaugural Food Waste Action Week will run from Monday 1 to Sunday 7 March 2021, and will bring together organisations from retailers to local authorities, restaurants to manufacturers, and beyond. Wasted food contributes 8–10% of total man-made GHG emissions, and roughly one third of food produced around the world is wasted. 6 Mt is avoidable, worth >£17 billion a year 70% of UK food waste comes from households food and drink that could have been eaten) has reduced by 950,000 tonnes, or 18%, from 5.3 to 4.4 million tonnes annually. There is no comparable estimate for food waste pre-farm gate in the UK, but WRAP has estimated food waste levels from primary production at 1.6 Mt. It is clear that progress to reduce household food waste at a UK level has stalled, which we are determined to address. This equates to 0.4 million tonnes a year The approach taken and the new estimates have been peer reviewed, and updated in the light of these comments. According to a report by the Waste & Resources Action Programme (WRAP), in April 2020 food waste as a percentage of food in homes dropped to 13.7 per cent, down from 24.1 per cent in … This report provides estimates of the amount of food and drink waste generated by UK households in 2012. The results show that avoidable household food waste has been cut by an impressive 21% since 2007, saving UK consumers almost £13 billion over the five years to 2012. Around 2 Mt of food surplus may also be arising on farm. The Waste and Resources Action Programme (which operates as WRAP) is a registered UK Charity No. © WRAP 2021, Courtauld 2025 baseline and restated household food waste figures. WRAP – Household Food Waste in the UK, 2015 2 Executive summary Background WRAP has published data on household food waste (HHFW) regularly since 2007, and these have constituted the principle source of UK-level data on this topic. food and drink that could have been eaten) has reduced by 950,000 tonnes, or 18%, from 5.3 to 4.4 million tonnes annually. Our terms & conditions include details of this and of WRAP’s other registered trade marks. However, the research also highlights the scale of the opportunity remaining. Household food and drink waste in the UK 2012 New WRAP research reveals a substantial reduction in the amount of household food and drink waste arising between 2007 and 2012. Using WRAP's tools and guidance, organisations can work out what types of waste to measure and how to measure it. In addition, WRAP will trailblaze a new week of action in March 2021 to wake the nation up to the environmental consequences of wasting food. To achieve this in the UK, further reductions in food waste of 1.8 Mt are needed, 1.3 Mt from homes and over half a million tonnes from across the supply chain. The new estimate is 7.2 million tonnes annually, or equivalent to around a fifth of all food and drink purchased. As food inflation over this period has been around 20%, although the amount we throw away is much lower (overall 4.4Mt vs 5.3Mt), it is still costing us about the same (ca. We aim to cut this by 50% by 2030 ( against a 2015 baseline ) by raising awareness and inspiring citizens towards positive behaviour change. By cutting food waste the average UK household can save £500 each year and positively contribute to the UK's waste reduction targets. The Waste and Resources Action Programme (which operates as WRAP) is a registered UK Charity No. Registered office at Second Floor, Blenheim Court, 19 George Street, Banbury, Oxon, OX16 5BH. Registered office at Second Floor, Blenheim Court, 19 George Street, Banbury, Oxon, OX16 5BH. 1159512 and registered as a Company limited by guarantee in England & Wales No. WRAP has restated the way UK household food waste is defined and described, to conform to the Food Loss and Waste Standard (FLWS). Paulett Avenue Household Food and Drink Waste in the United Kingdom 2012 This report provides estimates of the amount of food and drink waste generated by UK households in 2012. WRAP's research has highlighted the significant financial, environmental and efficiency benefits of tackling food waste in primary production, and we work directly with farmers and growers to address this. WRAP has launched a bold new brand aimed at driving home the message that wasting food has a huge impact on climate change, and that we can all help reduce our CO2 emissions by being more conscious of not wasting food. In the UK, the largest contribution to food waste is from homes: 8.3 million tonnes per year, costing consumers £12 billion and contributing 3% of UK greenhouse gas emissions. The Courtauld Commitment 2025's collaborative action and working groups put the UK on track to achieving UN SDG 12.3. Over the course of its 2008-11 business plan, WRAP has run a Household Food Waste Prevention programme, aimed at reducing the quantity and environmental impact of household food waste across the UK, working in partnership with a wide range of organisations, including LAs, Courtauld Comittment signatories and community groups. WRAP has used this as a basis for updating the estimate for the overall levels of household food and drink waste in the UK. The UK's largest retailers, food producers and manufacturers, and hospitality and food service companies have committed to 'Target, Measure, Act' on food waste. UK households throw away millions of tonnes of food waste every year. New WRAP research reveals a substantial reduction in the amount of household food and drink waste arising between 2007 and 2012. However, financial cost is not the only impact. 4125764. 2nd Floor, Blenheim Court Belfast Whilst attitudes towards food waste have improved, research shows that 70% of people in the UK believe they have no food waste. £12 billion). WRAP has used this as a basis for updating the estimate for the overall levels of household food and drink waste in the UK. OX16 5BH, Carlyle House 1159512 and registered as a Company limited by guarantee in England & Wales No. In 2018 WRAP research showed we threw away 6.6 Mt of household food waste. Cardiff Avoidable household food and drink waste (i.e. WRAP commissioned Resource Futures to determine an updated estimate for local authority collected household food waste, based on the most recent compositional studies and WasteDataFlow data, and to estimate the change since 2006/7. Food waste was identified as a problem in the UK as early as World War I. Combating food waste was one of the initial goals of the Women's Institutes (WI), set up in 1915, and remains a subject of their campaigns. Avoidable household food and drink waste (i.e. Statistics from the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) show household food waste in the UK … Cardiff The reduction in annual UK household food and drink waste between 2006/7 and 2010 was around 1.1 million tonnes, or around 13%. New WRAP research reveals a substantial reduction in the amount of household food and drink waste arising between 2007 and 2012. We use our expertise in managing successful voluntary agreements to help governments worldwide achieve their sustainability goals in food and drink. Both of these are classed as waste prevention according to food material hierarchy. Paulett Avenue WRAP estimates that 8.3 million tonnes of food and drink are wasted in the UK; 5.3 million tonnes of this is classed as avoidable waste (Household Food and Drink Waste in the UK, 2009). Food Waste Action Week, which Wrap hopes will become anchored in the annual agenda, will seek to ram home the link with food waste. Household Food & Drink Waste – A Product Focus. This avoided food and drink waste would fill the Wembley Stadium in London to the brim. This paper describes recent insights gained from research by the Waste and Resources Action Programme (WRAP) and others into the types of food wasted, why it is wasted and what can be done to minimise it. There were an estimated 7.3 million tonnes of household food waste in the UK in 2015. This report provides extensive details about household food and drink waste including detailed reasons about why it is thrown away, the size of individual instances of waste and the proportion of food left in packaging. £12 billion). Our terms & conditions include details of this and of WRAP’s other registered trade marks. Belfast For this release, an estimate has been made of food and drink purchases that become wasted – 7.6 million tonnes in total, of which 5.1 million tonnes is avoidable. Food waste is food that we don't eat. The household food and drink waste target under Courtauld 3 was not met, with household food waste in 2015 estimated to be 7.3 million tonnes compared to 7 million tonnes in 2012. CF11 9HA, Bridge House In 2009, WRAP (Waste & Resources Action Programme) identified that UK households dispose of 8.3 million tonnes of food and drink waste every year, most of which could have been eaten. Rising food and drink prices and reduced disposable incomes being triggers for many consumers to see how they could save money. WRAP is an EU registered trade mark. The environmental impact of avoidable household food and drink waste is now around 17 million tonnes of CO2e (equivalent to the emissions of 1 in 5 cars on UK roads) and 4% of the UK total water footprint. 19 George Street This avoidable food waste has a value of at least £12 billion. New WRAP research reveals a substantial reduction in the amount of household food and drink waste arising between 2007 and 2012. The approach taken and the new estimates … The reduction is a huge achievement. It will put initial focus on 18–34-year-olds through social media to show that, like plastic pollution, wasting food has a huge impact on the environment. This had a value of over £19 billion a year, and would be associated with more than 25 Mt of GHG emissions. 1159512 and registered as a Company limited by guarantee in England & Wales No. Updated household food waste figures for 2007; published 2009. OX16 5BH, Carlyle House In addition to food ending up as waste, around 700,000 tonnes of food surplus from manufacturing, retail and hospitality and food service is either being redistributed via charitable and commercial routes (56,000 tonnes in 2018 ) or being diverted to produce animal feed (around 660,000 tonnes in 2015). 4125764. © WRAP 2021, The GHGs associated with the 9.5 Mt of food waste in the UK is around 25 million tonnes CO, Courtauld Commitment 2025 Annual Report 2020, Food surplus and waste in the UK – key facts, Food Waste Reduction Roadmap Progress Report 2020, Courtauld Commitment 2025 Milestone Progress Report, UK progress against Courtauld 2025 targets and UN Sustainable Development Goal 12.3, Hospitality and food service case studies, Emergency COVID-19 surplus food redistribution resource hub, Household Waste Recycling Centres (HWRCs), Benefits for brands, retailers & manufacturers, Organics collection, sorting & reprocessing. WRAP works with organisations across the food and drink industry, as well as local authorities, governments, non-governmental organisations and others to create economic and environmental value from reducing food waste and greenhouse gas emissions, and tackling issues around water stress across the supply chain. As food inflation over this period has been around 20%, although the amount we throw away is much lower (overall 4.4Mt vs 5.3Mt), it is still costing us about the same (ca. In November 2013, WRAP published Household Food and Drink Waste in the UK 2012{link to report}, which quantified the amounts, types and reasons for food being wasted from UK households. 5-7 Cathedral Road Banbury The UK Government has failed to meet its target on household food waste. Our terms & conditions include details of this and of WRAP’s other registered … WRAP is an EU registered trade mark. However, the research also highlights the scale of the opportunity remaining. Household food waste in the UK has increased by nearly a third as coronavirus lockdown restrictions have been eased and could spiral further, new research has warned. November 2009. If food waste were a country, it would be the world’s third largest emitter after China and the USA. CF11 9HA, Bridge House Had the reduction in food and drink waste not occurred, consumers would have been spending at least £2.5 billion a year more on food and drink bought and thrown away. It updates WRAP’s 2007 estimates of household food and drink waste. Our food waste reduction campaign to tackle the £3 billion of food thrown away at hospitality and food service outlets. 1 ) WRAP’s Household Food and Drink Waste Resource Listing is an up-to-date listing which summarises all the resources (guidance, tools and research) produced by WRAP to support taking action to reduce household food and drink waste. However, the research also highlights the scale of the opportunity remaining. Producing food requires significant resources including land, energy and water. WRAP is an EU registered trade mark. – UK food waste The amount of food being wasted post-farm gate in the UK is around 10 Mt ca. In 2018 WRAP research showed we threw away 6.6 Mt of household food waste. This activity is also supported by signatories of the. It updates WRAP’s 2007 estimates of household food and drink waste. WRAP commissioned Resource Futures to determine an updated estimate for local authority collected household food waste, based on the most recent compositional studies and WasteDataFlow data, and to estimate the change since 2006/7. Key information on how to apply food date labels, storage and freezing advice to ensure food is safe to eat, reduce consumer food waste and remove barriers to redistribution. It will publicise figures such as 4.4 million potatoes going to waste daily in UK homes, which has a carbon impact … However, the research also highlights the scale of the opportunity remaining.
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