And, because these products are usually built to last longer, we’ll also get more chances to enjoy our purchases. READ MORE: Do It Yourself Pallet Projects (7 Easy Designs). It’s also a great way to save some cash and get top-notch goods that we might not otherwise be able to afford. Glass bottles can become flower vases, lanterns, and quirky decorations. Disposability hasn’t added nearly as much convenience as it has cost, both environmentally and economically. In the end, we’re going to be adding all of that packaging to landfills. Reuse refers to using an object as it is without breaking it down. Most cleaners and toiletries are a combination of baking soda, vinegar, and essential oils. Newspapers and magazines are fleeting, so it’s friendlier to peruse them digitally. Waste disposal; Waste Reduction Waste reduction or source reduction is the practice of preventing waste by decreasing or eliminating the amount of materials initially used. READ MORE: Best Non Profit Organizations for Nature Lovers’ Donations. Kitchen utensils (serving spoons, spatulas, etc.) We should get into the habit of choosing that option first. Buy large economy-sized products instead of individually wrapped items. So it’s only natural that we should we clean out our overstuffed closets and box-laden basements and sheds from time to time. He has lived as an expat for over a decade, worked in nearly a dozen countries, and visited dozens of others in the meantime, subjecting the planet to a fiery mix of permaculture, music, and plant-based cooking. Often they’re meant to represent something natural: A fake Xmas tree, a plastic wreath, a plastic platter of nibbles on the table. While we aren’t all talented crafters, it’s easy to use old glass jars for storage containers or egg cartons for seed starters. Let’s face it, not everyone can afford to purchase brand new, high quality products all the time. Just because something seems to be trash, it doesn’t mean we can’t use it to create something new and useful. Here are examples of some easy ways to reduce the amount of waste that your business produces. Disposable items have been sold to us with a ruse of convenience. Here again, marketing has convinced us that we have to buy toiletries, cleaning products, and snack packs. It’s useful to know there are already three crescent wrenches in the toolbox from the previous two times we couldn’t remember if we had one. Many stores allow shoppers to scoop out the amount they need of bulk goods like nuts or coffee. Most musical instruments are way cheaper when we buy them used. Paper, plastic, glass, magazines, electronics, and more can be processed into new products while using fewer natural resources and less energy. Also, recycling requires a lot of energy for sorting, processing, and reconfiguring the materials. Waste reduction (or prevention) is the preferred approach to waste management because waste that never gets created doesn't have waste management costs. It encompasses every decision we make to overall reduce our environmental impact. Buying in "bulk" (a large amount that is not divided into separate containers) gives you the best "product to package" ratio. Finally, on our path to reducing waste and creating a waste-free home, it helps to know what exactly we already have there. READ MORE: How To Save Money for Travel By Buying Secondhand. when you shop! There are also many other commonly consumed items we can easily do without, such as disposable razors, tiny toiletries, and diapers that cost a fortune. Not only will you be supporting local businesses, which is very important, you will be helping to reduce waste. Carry these recycle items to your recycling station. You can find everything from clothes to building materials at specialized So now we know that we shouldn’t rely on recycling as the answer to all of our waste woes. Energy Star appliances perform their jobs more efficiently and will probably last longer than cheap alternatives. Making snacks and meals at home helps to cut down on that, as well as helping us avoid products with palm oil. Fortunately, many of us are conscious of our impact and make efforts to reduce waste at home by recycling, returning bottles, using ceramic dishes over … Nurses can make certain products reusable whenever possible. Recycling aluminum cans, for example, uses 95 percent less … Compostable items open up a wonderful path to living a waste-free existence. There’s still a lot of useful stuff contained inside that smartphone. Here are 15 simple tips on ways to reduce waste at home, school, and office: 1. READ MORE: 75 Christmas Traditions Around the World. –Jonathon Engels; lead photo by Melissa via Flickr, Filed Under: Ecotourism & Green Living Blog, Green Living Tagged With: Go Green, Go Green Tips. Donating clothes and other unwanted stuff gives it a chance to live on and reduces garbage. For example, Barthold Farms offers a food waste program serving over 400 restaurants, grocery stores, school districts and other facilities in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area. Buy used. They can segregate waste properly to reduce harmful waste into the environment. Recycling saves energy. Reusable products  are a huge part of the waste-free lifestyle. In truth, composting is arguably one of the greenest things we can do. READ MORE: 125+ Best Gifts For Travelers (& Every Travel Style). Buying local often means less waste in the form of packaging and less waste in the cost of emissions for transportation. If it can be made out of wood or something natural, then there is likely a compostable version of it. As more people embrace a waste-free lifestyle, we’ll prioritize a new brand of responsible consumerism that thrives on sustainability rather than reckless production. World's largest independently owned Ecotourism / Green Travel / Sustainable Travel / Animal & Wildlife Conservation site. Here are 15 simple tips on ways to reduce waste at home, school, and office: READ MORE: Lessons in Quotes from The Lorax (Dr. Seuss’ Classic). . It’s also good to take advantage of e-statements from banks, e-tickets from airlines, and automatic payments for monthly bills. Our possessions should be long-term investments, not basement bargains. Most of them involve simple changes in procedures and work habits. Waste is problematic on a number of different levels. READ MORE: How to Compost At Home to Reduce Waste, READ MORE: The Benefits of Using Coffee Compost, READ MORE: Using Compost as Homemade Fertilizer, READ MORE: What is Permaculture Gardening? Reduce the amount of waste you produce. 1. With the pace that most of us move these days, we often forget what we’ve got in the fridge. Keep a recycle bin or bag in your home to place plastic, paper and cans. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle – these three 'R' words are an important part of sustainable living, as they help to cut down on the amount of waste we have to throw away.. This means no plastic bags, no styrofoam containers, no plastic flatware, no tiny packages of condiments, no to-go cups, and no straws. The first step to recycling more is to make recycling accessible to everyone in the house without any extra work. Holding out for something of high quality makes us appreciate it more once we get it. An example of waste reduction is reducing unnecessary packaging from manufactured products and produce. But going digital is also a useful way of avoiding millions of tons of paper waste and the loss of millions of trees each year. Many slightly damaged items are very easy to fix, and can last much longer with just a few tweaks. Speaking of e-readers, these days reading via a screen is hardly a jump for most bookworms. But by tomorrow, yesterday’s news is seriously obsolete (particularly with the current U.S. administration). It pays to get into some good organizational habits so that tonight’s dinner is already decided before the hangry commute home. It almost always takes less energy to make a product from recycled materials than it does to make it from new materials. We all know that reducing waste is an important part of conserving our planet’s resources and protecting it for many years to come. Life progresses and people evolve. Many common household items are now available in a  compostable form. Kathryn Kellogg, author of 101 Ways to Go Zero Waste, says: "If you only do one thing to help the environment, … Tiny packages of things equate to us paying more for what we want, because we have to pay for all that packaging as well. Some examples of waste reduction include purchasing products in bulk quantities rather than single servings, like cereal or potato chips. Many get dropped, get wet, or suffer some other indignity, and we’re left with a useless gadget. It is essential to treat harmful waste and not to over-treat landfill waste. Landfills, which are growing in step with our booming human population, are hazardous. Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links. This considerably reduces waste and packaging materials. READ MORE: 40 Green Travel Tips (Ultimate Guide to Sustainable Travel). Stop buying stuff. 2. We are open to discussing advertising, sponsorships, brand ambassadorships, freelance work, speaking/teaching engagements, and consulting opportunities. But it’s important to realize that, in the classic  “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” mantra, recycling is (and should be) the last option. Luckily, for many of us, this kind of thinking has already begun. You could argue that making burgers is manufacturing in a different form, but even purely service-based industries are implementing the concept. Replace Single-use Items With Reusable Ones.
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